Saturday, April 3, 2010

AA Newsletter March 2010

March 2010

Dear Atkinson Academy Families:

Thank you parents, students, and staff for making our annual Scholastic book fair a success! Book fair profits are used to fund author, illustrator, and storyteller visits to Atkinson Academy. District 4th and 5th graders will meet author Gordon Korman on April 14th at the PAC. Maryann Cocca-Leffler (Jack’s Talent and Mr. Tanen’s Ties) will visit Atkinson Academy on May 20th and meet with PreK-3rd graders.

Here is a sampling of student lessons completed during recent library visits.

First Grade- First graders celebrated Dr. Seuss’s birthday this month by participating in a distance learning activity with the Cat in the Hat. The Cat read Green Eggs and Ham, played games, and told jokes as we learned about the amazing contribution Dr. Seuss made to children’s literature.

Second Grade - Second graders listened to Caldecott Medal books and completed an art response to The Hello, Goodbye Window by Norton Juster.

Third Grade - Mrs. Shawley’s Tier II class completed very detailed and informative animal research reports. The students used the Big 6 research model which guides students through a step by step process to solve any information problem or need. The project also included completion of a photo essay using Publisher. Look for the photo essays in the 3rd grade hallway.

Fourth Grade - Fourth graders enjoyed playing Reference Survivor as they became better acquainted with the reference section of the library. Escaping Library Island was not so easy but all enjoyed the “reward” at the end.

Fifth Grade - Fifth graders studied Newbery Award books, selected and read an award winner, and completed a book review on Destiny. Read their book reviews by logging on to Destiny from the Atkinson Academy home page.

PreK and K – Our Pre Kindergarten students check out books to bring to their classroom and visit the library to listen to books read aloud and complete a craft project. Kindergarten students have been checking out books to bring home. They have learned the difference between fiction and nonfiction books and made heart bookmarks in February. Both Pre K and K enjoy borrowing books and learning how the library works and how to take care of their books.

At Atkinson Academy Library our goal is to help every child 1) find and use resources of all types for learning and enjoyment; 2) gain appreciation for a variety of literature; and 3) engage in inquiry based learning. I look forward to continuing to assist your child grow as readers and learners.

Barbara Sobol
Library Media Specialist